- CBS All Access第三部剧《搞事警察 No Activity》确定在美国时间11月12日上线,该喜剧由Will Ferrell及Adam McKay负责,根据同名澳剧所改篇。在警察搜捕贩卖集团的背景下,剧集角色包括两个待在同一警车许久的底层警察﹑两个待在暗处的罪犯﹑两个不合拍的外派劳工﹑两个才刚见面就得一同待在墨西哥贩毒隧道的家伙。Patrick Bramma…
- Seth Meyers和Mike O’Brien制作的喜剧《疯狂教授生物课 A.P. Bio》讲述一名前哲学系教授(Glenn Howerton饰)失去梦寐以求的工作后,只好去到高中接受一份教授大学预修生物学课程的工作,但明确表示不会教授任何生物学的他,决定利用这群优等生来报复在主角人生中冤枉他的人。
- The film invents, while investigating, the legend of Alberto, a Chilean international thief, made prisoner in Europe and murdered in Chile at the age of 29. To do so, it crosses two territories, linked by a colonial history: the Atacama Desert in Chile and southern Spain. 源自:www.cinemadureel.org/en/films/otro-sol-2/
- Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a murder on his flight draws him into a plot that threatens both the human and bug worlds.