- 这是《蜡笔小新》电影史上第一部3D CG动画,将于夏季上映!标题是《蜡笔小新:新次元!超能力大决战~飞吧飞吧手卷寿司~》。担任“新次元”3d CG动画的是曾制作过《新哥斯拉》和《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》的CG专业团队白组。此外,担任导演兼编剧的竟然是《桃花期》(2011年) 、《食梦者》。(2015)的大根仁!总之,还请对"新次元"…
- In the third season of the Twilight of the Gods, the protagonist Mona must face the enemy and participate in the battle. However, when he was in trouble, a young man in love suddenly possessed an unparalleled and powerful weapon. He needs to remain calm, make wise choices, and at the same time clarify his identity. In …
- 久违的吃货五郎又回来了!个体杂货商店的老板井之头五郎(松重丰 Yutaka Matsushige 饰)将在这个夏天不仅继续为千奇百怪的客人搜寻各种稀奇古怪的玩意儿,更将在工作间隙再次带领大家深入日本的大街小巷饱尝各色令人垂涎欲滴的美食。从重磅出击的奶油水果三明治早餐,到浓郁醇香的黑咖啡,到油光锃亮的鳗鱼配上晶莹剔透的米饭,再到百吃不厌的…
- Agatha opens her own detective agency, but potential clients aren’t exactly breaking down the door of her new office. In search of new business, Agatha and James visit Ivy Hall, a house said to be haunted since the English Civil War. Are t…