- 刚刚乘汽轮抵达神户港的小蝶(池玲子 饰),被女扒手好美(愛川まこと 饰)当作毒品运输人带到藏毒窝点,遭到黑社会分子的严刑拷问。千钧一发之际,从监狱出来的混混让二(内田良平 饰)解救了小蝶。小蝶旋即抓住好美,得知自己误被拷问的原因。原来码头黑帮的残党浅吉(安部撤 饰)等众,利用女扒手从横滨偷运毒品,阴差阳错遭遇小蝶。 让二入…
- It is based on an actor's journey in front and behind the lens who promises action and an offbeat sense of humor.
- The epic adventures of the legendary Baran the Bandit following his release from prison. After serving 35 years, it is no surprise that the world has changed dramatically. Still, Baran can't help but be shocked to discover that his home village is now underwater thanks to the construction of a new dam. He then heads fo…
- 最强魔术士,再临。 「想要与我做个了断的话,就来基姆拉克吧」在义姐·阿莎莉留下的话语引导下,欧菲等人前往与魔术士极度对立的基姆拉克。他们突然听到了悲鸣而赶往现场,在累累尸山中遭遇了与敌人果敢战斗的女剑士梅晨。欧菲对她出手相助,作为交换拜托她带领自己前往基姆拉克。欧菲等人消灭了敌人,终于抵达基姆拉克,等在他们面前的是以库…