搜索 Guzman

  • A diverse group of up-and-coming comedians perform 15-minute sets in this stand-up comedy showcase series.
  • 好基友John和Mark面临了人生关头的考验,因为其中一个朋友得了重症,将要逝去。于是他们决定对外宣称假死,办一场假葬礼,作为最后的回忆,并看看朋友们对自己死亡的真实反应。
  • 剧情片悬疑
  • Carmita, an 80-year-old Cuban actress exiled in Mexico lives in a mansion in ruins. She's strong enough to appear on TV, read her fan mail and complain about her ex-husband who ruined her dream of a possible Hollywood career. The unexpected visit of Laura and Israel allows us to discover a world trapped in the golden a…
  • Copied from the backside of the VHS:It begins with a diversion. A heated shouting match. A staged showe room brawl. Then, the brutal assault on the prison guards. Prepare yourself for the blood-rage of Women Unchained!In this contemporary action-thriller five ladies who live on the edge successfully escape from a maxim…
  • A baker takes the leadership of a sport team to play against the German national team during World War II. based on true events.
  • 負責暗中斬除邪惡勢力的美國反恐特案組,菜鳥新人艾力克斯首次潛入槍枝集團當臥底,意外揪出交易對象竟在計畫一起恐怖攻擊,卻也不慎被組織懷疑。為了確保全體美國公民不受恐怖主義的威脅,面對變化莫測的敵人,不願再失去組員的負責人約翰,他該如何在能保全艾力克斯的安全之下完成此次任務?
  • 阳光明媚的一天,格鲁家的小黄人一边哼着小曲一边擦玻璃。这时,他看到窗外的人们牵着各自的宠物从门前经过,小动物憨态可掬,与主人形影不离。小黄人不禁心生羡慕,多么希望自己也能养一只宠物。他拿着项圈问了格鲁那条疯狂的小狗,可是对方根本不领情。他又问了外面的松鼠、鸽子甚至渺小的瓢虫,最终一无所获。正在这时,一架迷你飞碟突然出现…
  • An archaeologist named Magdalena Santos accidentally awakens a vampire that was sleeping in a Mayan Pyramid. She tries to tell the police about the situation, but they do not believe her and they send her to an asylum.