搜索 Haga

  • Nani (Allari Naresh) is a trepid and fearful guy who works as a software engineer. Bullet (Sakshi Chaudhary) is a mafia don in Dubai. Her mother doesn't know about Bullet's profession. Bullet is forced to come back to India when her mother falls ill. Her mother's last wish is to get Bullet married. That's when Nani fal…
  • Hari (Ram), a DJ in Vizag, proposes to many girls none of them accept his love. One day he sees a beautiful girl Sailaja (Keerthi Suresh) and also impresses her but doesn't propose to her fearing that he would be rejected. Hari spends some good times with Sailaja and right when he proposes his love, she rejects him poi…
  • 恐怖片
  • 纪录片剧情
  • 乔弟海岸第一季
  • 1990年意大利世界杯
  • 养虎为患第一季
  • 奈杰尔·斯莱特的中东美食之旅
    In a brand new series Nigel Slater embarks on a Middle Eastern food adventure, exploring some of the oldest and grandest cuisines in the world.
  • Mumbai-based Saba Sharma lives a charmed life with a 'good luck' syndrome. Everything she does - whether it's work or play - is charmed and goes smoothly. After securing a meaty contract with Tarun Chopra, she is promoted by her boss, Kanchan Soni, and they celebrate with a masked party. It is here she meets with a mal…
  • 剧情片生活
    三面环海的港口城市下关,第二代在日韩国人阿具(松田翔太 饰)终日过着游手好闲、打架斗殴的浪荡生活。他的后辈阿辰(永山绚斗 饰)和阿胜(柄本时生 饰)与朝鲜高中的不良少年发生冲突,并误杀了对方的家人。为了搞清真相,阿具走遍下关寻访相关人等,谁知其鲁莽草率的作风却惹出更大的乱子,导致他在当地树敌无数。万般无奈之下,他只能前往…