搜索 Hamed

  • Mounir Mekbek和家人生活在阿尔及利亚中部地区的一个小乡村里。他为自己唯一的梦想而感到无比自信,那就是终有一天会赢得全村人的尊敬和赏识。然而影响他早日实现梦想的主要因素或许就是自己妹妹Rym患上的发作性睡眠症,她可以在任何时候任何地方突然睡着。   就在村里人都以为Rym将成为一个老处女时,从镇上喝得酩酊大醉的Mounir Me…
  • Dogmatic criticism has condemned brilliant and gifted pictures of the most diverse genre. Let us recall the debate over the unusual adaptation of "Navoi" at the end of the 1930's and the critical articles in the press directed toward the creators of the interesting films about modern times and about the dista…
  • 弗洛朗丝运用的油漆和沙的混合物在上下皆被照亮的玻板上,通过一帧帧的液体的运动进行描绘。可以看见两只鸟的形象时而融合,时而分离,变幻成不同的形状或 人形。黑鸟代表邪恶的思想与语言,白鸟代表善良。它探讨人们如何以不同的感情来生活,以及为何相互间拥有良好的感情是更佳的方式。改编自《Amadou Hampaté Ba》,讲述Tierno Bok…
  • Atieh (Hatami), a radio talk-show host famed for her on-air relationship advice, travels on pilgrimage with her husband to the holy city of Mashad. Her unspoken quest may be as simple as something to fill the gaping hole in their marriage or as complex as a miracle. A foray alone into the teeming throngs of tourists an…
  • Two young high school boys, Manga and Sory, are gay and in love in Guinea. This is their story.The first feature film on homosexuality from sub-Saharan Africa. While "coming out" may have become primetime fare in the U.S., this film was met with angry protests when it was shot in the director's native Guinea …
  • 喜剧片剧情
  • 这是一部人物传记片。描写了在伟大卫国战争中,苏联英雄、红军第二师师长萨比尔·拉希莫夫将军在白俄罗斯战线上英勇战斗的故事。
  • Since Mimou was seven years old, he was in love with Chama, the neighbor's maid. To avoid the wrath of his demanding father, Mimou fakes his school grades.
  • Lieutenant Mario Ludovici, an army officer, gets himself transferred to a Libyan post when his romance with society girl Cristiana goes on the rocks. Ludovici is looked upon as a weakling by Captain Santelia, the hard-boiled commander of the troops, but after a bitter campaign against a rebel tribe Ludovici proves his …
  • 纪录片
    Imagine being able to watch as Edison turned on the first light bulb, or as Franklin received his first jolt of electricity.For the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows six brilliant scientists during the launch …