搜索 Hammed

  • The charismatic and ruthless Mussa makes a deal to purchase the Star of East Diamond from the Hong-Kong triad crime boss Mr. Lo - but not before being robbed via an inside job by his own people aka former lovers Aliya and Ruslan. Aliya's other former love interest and Mussa henchman gets involved setting up a veritable…
  • 《谁杀死了阿历克斯队长》是一部来自乌干达贫民窟的动作喜剧电影。 影片中的老虎黑手党用铁腕统治着乌干达,在各种混乱爆发期间,突击队队长阿历克斯被神秘谋杀。作为首部乌干达动作电影,本片以不到200美元的预算,在视频网络一经上线便创造了将近350万的点击量。低廉的预算让影片拥有了一种奇特的观感,导演用有限的资源创造了一个专属于乌干…
  • 在孤儿院的三个孩子,阿里( Burak Hakki),艾泽尔(Yeşim Büber)和阿斯马尔(Saruhan Hünel)等三个好朋友年纪很小就某个原因分开了。20年后,命运使他们再次相聚,但他们各种环境下持续人生 。阿里是一名警务人员,艾泽尔是一名医生,那阿斯马尔呢?阿斯马尔经过了20年的孤独生活和苦劳,最终黑道世界崛起而当了有名黑社会老大,在江湖上…
  • A New Bride who has missed her train must now win back her husband who had presumed her dead.Shahid is betrayed by his wife who ran away from him at the 1st night of their wedding and after this he becomes a loner and alcoholic. He than visits a hill station with his best friend in an attempt to move on but instead hau…
  • Naima loves Hassan the singer but her greedy father Haji Metwali disapproves. Naima escapes with Hassan to get married. Her father follows them to get her back. He locks her up and Hassan tries to save her
  • 为征服摩洛哥,葡萄牙国王塞巴斯蒂昂以讨伐异教徒为名,率军2.5万人(雇佣兵为主)于1578年6月在丹吉尔登陆。摩洛哥被废国王穆泰瓦基勒率部投降,国王阿卜德·马利克率步、骑兵5万人迎战。8月4日,葡军在马哈赞河畔的凯比尔堡附近发起进攻,摩军以优势兵力击退葡军。葡军向马哈赞河对岸撤退时正值涨潮,塞巴斯蒂昂、穆泰瓦基勒和许多官兵被淹死…
  • 恋尸者的皮肤像死人一般,脸上总是一副嗅到臭味的表情,喜爱食蟑螂。他在晚上会去墓地挖掘死人带回家。一日警察登门造访要求他收养亲戚的女儿(父母已死亡),女孩就此寄住在他家。一个夜晚女孩告诉大叔,今天有一些警察来,人们说他古怪但她不介意别人说他古怪。她告诉恋尸者她看到了他恋尸的行为但她不会告诉警察的。不久人们发现恋尸者偷掘尸…
  • “Gaza Strip” pushes the viewer headlong into the tumult of the Israeli-occupied Gaza, examining the lives and views of ordinary Palestinians. The documentary often sees the world through the eyes of young people. The central character is M…
  • Kimyagarov的传奇三部曲之二。The Legend of Rostam and Sohrab: A milestone in Tajik Cinema History influenced by Persian Mythology photocomposition. Born in Samarkand (Uzbekistan) to a Jewish family, Bension (Boris) Arievich Kimyagarov was to mov…