搜索 Hanks

  • 欧美剧剧情
    《布道家庭》聚焦以电视福音布道闻名于世的珎石家族,讲述他们叛逆贪婪却又不忘慈善事工的奇葩事迹。故事主角杰西·珎石自视为福音行当中特立独行之弟兄,以父亲伊莱·珎石的事工为基础,积极拓展更为摩登的当代受众群体。 by:meijubar.net
  •   《超级鲨大战机器鲨》是一部科幻灾难片。影片讲述了一只新的巨型鲨鱼出现在太平洋里,使海洋安全受到了巨大的威胁,为了阻止巨型鲨带来的破坏,美国政府为此也极为头疼。他们曾经想过各种方式,最终美国政府决定用科学家近期发明的巨大机械鲨鱼来应对这只超级大鲨鱼,整个过程中机器鲨也遭到了前所未有的袭击。在科研人员操作下的机械鲨和恐…
  • 两个太空员,亚当和杰科,降落在一颗遥远而古老的殖民星球上。却发现他们已经脱离了与银河系其它星球的任何关系,原以为迎接他们的将是原始落后的殖民者,猝不及防,他们遭受了一群女战士的突袭。这是一个女人统治的星球,人们都服从于美丽女王苏牟露,并对蛇身女神顶礼膜拜,相反,男人的地位极其低下,并常被用做平息蛇神怒火的牺牲品,然而,亚当和杰科发…
  •   以提利昂·克莱顿(Steve Hanks 饰)为首的美国军方人员进行着一项秘密计划,名为“思绪膨胀”计划,这项计划掌握着各种操控天气的秘诀。一个小组希望利用这个计划改变世界,例如为干旱地区带来降雨。但意想不到的效果产生了,这个机器正悄然毁灭着美国的城市...
  • 喜剧片
    琳琳(关之琳 饰)和男友麦克(陶大宇 饰)交往了七年,因为琳琳生性害羞保守,所以两人至始至终都没有实质性的进展,麦克心中因此十分郁闷,最终,他提出了分手。一场意外让琳琳和名为阿华(刘德华 饰)的男子相识了,过往的伤痛让琳琳决心做出改变,于是趁着醉意勾引阿华,可是,她心中惦念的却依旧是麦克。阴差阳错之下,阿华被琳琳的家人误…
  • yle=padding: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; border: 0px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>A stop-motion animated skeleton takes drastic measures when he learns the film for which he was created is being rebooted without him.</p>yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>…<…
  • Follows a family father who lives a not-so-secret identity as the titular hero who possesses a burning passion to snuff out petty crime.
  • Thanks for Being Here
    In an exploration of different points of view, different backgrounds, and different lives, the Belgian theater performance group Ontroerend Goed puts the audience at the core of their new performance. Everyone inhabits their own here and now, composed by their past, their personal experiences and their expectations. Us…
  • In this timely special, filmed at the start of the Corona closure of the country, Lewis Black unleashes his furiously funny indignation at consumerism, drug companies, and his favorite target-the perpetrators of public policy absurdity.
  • Jesse 01776 and Sonja 01984 team up in rebellion against the self-proclaimed Boss of America and his soulless goons and thugs, embarking on a bloodthirsty adventure of romance and revenge.