搜索 Hawke

  • 男神泰山从野蛮的黑人部落中救出了被俘的亚马逊美少女战士帝国的小公主女神,得到了开国老女皇妈咪的感谢和小公主女神的倾慕,小公主女神告诉他亚马逊美少女战士帝国拥有一个位于湖水下的秘密金矿,而金矿的地图被珍藏在一个宝匣内,要等到她继位时才能继承。不久泰山被一名黑人射伤,所幸被一位淘金老人救下。为了报答老人的救命之恩,泰山从金…
  • 这是一部关于㚻色行业的纪录片:同志㚻片是色情娱乐产业中增长得最快的其中一个部分,但这其实是一个对孤独者进行剥削的行业。年轻的㚻片演员们从何处来,他们是如何参与工作的呢?这部电影将一一为你揭露东欧㚻片行业的产业链,往往是那些贫穷、没能接受教育、失业的年轻人们,他们因为没有过硬的家庭背景和人脉关系,大多是为了生活而踏入了㚻…
  • 最近,在妻子斯泰西发现迈克尔和另一个女人在一起后,他与妻子分居,迈克尔搬进了位于紫檀大道的1920年代的美丽风景公寓。白天,他的新家似乎很理想:持续的蓝天,玫瑰床,干净的街道和友好的人。但也有一些反常现象:蜘蛛网突然出现在他的公寓周围,换着的家具,穿着咆哮的20多岁服装参加聚会的邻居。夜幕降临揭示了这条街真正的险恶本性,当人…
  • This is a gem that is lost amongst the crap that came out in the mid nineties American cinema. The first time I saw this film I thought that it was bizarre, yet in some odd way compelling. I have since seen it seven or eight more times and it gets better each time. The humor is dark and unconventional, and the dialog i…
  • In a time now lost in the mists of memory, the great King Arthur rules in the legendary citadel that is Camelot. His Knights of the Round Table perform acts of derring-do and spend their spare time jousting, much to the delight of the local citizens and especially to Princess Ilene, a guest at Camelot. Watching her fro…
  • Learza, an unstoppable demon in human form, kills people with a peculiar birth mark on their hands. One of them is Maya, a deaf/mute girl that Clay is assigned to protect.
  • 动画片动画
    华纳正在筹拍一部“歪心狼”动画电影[歪心狼对阵ACME](Coyote Vs. Acme,暂译),[乐高蝙蝠侠大电影]导演克里斯·麦凯担任制作,乔恩·西尔伯曼、乔什·西尔伯曼操刀编剧。歪心狼是华纳“兔巴哥”系列经典动画形象之一,首次现身1949年的[BB鸟与歪心狼]。1996年华纳出品、融合迈克尔·乔丹与“兔巴哥”系列角色的[空中大灌篮]全球票房2.3亿…
  • Bloody drama follows the story of a pool party involving five former college sororiety sisters attempting one last weekend blowout. While trying hard to grab onto their fun youth filled past they are faced with what is their troubled divisive present. As they water down their issues with booze and drugs unbeknownst to …
  • 欧美剧
    With the world's most recognizable city as its backdrop, LONDON KILLS will dramatize the experiences of a team of top murder detectives. Slick, modern and fast moving, the series will be shot like a cutting-edge documentary. Each episode of LONDON KILLS will focus on a different murder following the detectives as they …
  • 欧美剧