搜索 Hazy

  •   继2016年推出两部根据比利时作家乔治·西默农作品改编的梅格雷探长系列电视电影之后,ITV宣布续订两部该系列电视电影,依旧由“憨豆先生”罗温·艾金森主演,斯图尔特·哈考特编剧,第一部为《十字路口之夜》,第二部为《梅格雷在蒙马特》,预计于2017年播出。
  • 剧情片生活
    林婉静(郭奕芯 饰)是老师和同学眼中的乖乖女,然而只有她自己知道,平日里的温和和顺从不过只是表象,她一直带着沉重的假面生活,深感压抑。苏可怡(麦芷谊 饰)向来我行我素,如同花蝴蝶一般辗转在荷尔蒙气息强烈的帅气男孩之间,是典型的问题学生。何爱爱(廖子妤 饰)天生内向而羞涩 ,总是成为众人欺负和排挤的对象。一场意外让三个性格迥…
  • Emmy Ferguson is a 10-year old who learns that, after a long bout with leukemia, today is probably her last day on earth. Chris Ryan is a 35 year old drug addict who is determined to make this his last day. And Adonna Frost, suffering from advanced breast cancer, has made a similar decision about the end of her life. B…
  • Valerie, a beautiful young girl, watches over her cousin's place while he is away for six months. Not one to take advantage of her new "digs", she spends her first night there reading, playing records and. calling her girlfriend Sophie over for some hot lesbian sex! Later that night, members of a crazed sex c…
  • Die freudlose Gasse , directed Georg Wilhelm Pabst from a script by Willy Haas, based on a novel by Hugo Bettauer, is not only one of the most important films of the Weimar Republic, it is also one of the most spectacular censorship cases of the era. While the film made its director famous, the state institutions of co…
  • 祖宾梅塔·巴伦波因·布列兹等大师联合推荐2004年第22届加拿大蒙特娄影展最佳记录片亚马逊网站★★★★★推荐阿巴多被誉为当代最伟大的指挥家之一,他1933年出生于米兰音乐世家、1965年以马勒《复活 》震惊乐坛、接连掌控史卡拉歌剧院音乐总监、维也纳爱乐终身指挥、柏林爱乐音乐总监等全球最 重要乐团的龙头地,然而1999年不幸证实了罹患胃癌而…
  • 剧情片
  • A dark historical drama about two sisters, the man that comes between them, and the tragedy that results. Set in the 1870s.
  • 纪录片神话
    奇兽、奇人、奇事。 取材于上古奇书《山海经》里的神话传说故事,纪录片《山海经奇》自带中国人骨髓里奇幻浪漫的气质:女娲造人、烛龙睁眼为昼、羲和浴日、羿射九日、嫦娥奔月、夔皮作鼓等远古恢弘的传奇故事,都隐藏着先人刻骨铭心的告诫;那些家喻户晓的英雄人物,都蕴含着中华祖先前仆后继的血脉凝聚。 《山海经奇》 是由中央广播电视总台(…