搜索 Heed

  • <p>  On a class trip, five friends are kidnapped by an evil doomsday cult seeking to achieve immortality with an ancient pagan artifact – and who will stop at nothing to do it...<br/>  Berlin students Ben, Jonas, Leo, Ozzi and…
  • 伟杰是一名没没无闻的诗人,出版社不但不出版他的诗集,甚至将他的作品弃如垃圾,而他的兄弟更将他的诗作当成废纸卖钱。不愿再被人看不起,他选择了流落街头,因而认识了赏识他作品的妓女古菈宝,一场意外,让大家以为他死了……   时代杂志选为全球百部最佳电影之一,标志着达特转折点的重要代表作。妓女诱惑潦倒诗人登上她的欲望号,却发现…
  • 喜剧片
  • 喜剧片剧情
  • 动作片冒险
  • 由资深电视制作兼主持人、保育人士戴尚安(Sean Lee-Davies)制作的生态保育节目《地球的边缘》(Adventures to the Edge) 大受观众欢迎,第二辑《地球的边缘2》载誉归来,Sean在节目中展开了他人生中迄今为止最危险的一个旅程。
  • A Russian drone operator uses a nuclear powered drone to lure alien object to the orbit, immobilizes them and captute them. But when that object came close to earth, the drome operator loses contact with the commanding officer and have to decide whats real and whats not.
  • Hugo is just like everyone else, with the small difference that he just does a lot of weird things all day long.
  • Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra host a program that's wall-to-wall music.
  • Abandoned by his father, he was a reform school kid with nothing going for him and a giant chip on his shoulder. He joined the Marines, but never stayed far from trouble. Then he discovered acting - and the woman who would be with him for most of his meteoric career. He was Steve McQueen, one of Hollywood's highest pai…