- 由资深电视制作兼主持人、保育人士戴尚安(Sean Lee-Davies)制作的生态保育节目《地球的边缘》(Adventures to the Edge) 大受观众欢迎,第二辑《地球的边缘2》载誉归来,Sean在节目中展开了他人生中迄今为止最危险的一个旅程。
- Hugo is just like everyone else, with the small difference that he just does a lot of weird things all day long.
- Abandoned by his father, he was a reform school kid with nothing going for him and a giant chip on his shoulder. He joined the Marines, but never stayed far from trouble. Then he discovered acting - and the woman who would be with him for most of his meteoric career. He was Steve McQueen, one of Hollywood's highest pai…