- 据官方记载,1945年4月30日,希特勒自杀于柏林的地下避弹室,随后他的第三帝国也灰飞烟灭。但在阿根廷,仍有不少目击者声称在不同地区见到过希特勒。本片根据最新同名著作改编,通过情景再现的纪录片手法讲述希特勒与新婚妻子爱娃及其党羽马丁·鲍曼等人乘坐U型潜艇秘密抵达阿根廷后,在贝隆当局的庇护下继续进行复兴纳粹、筹划第四帝国的行动,…
- Erik Sparrow is one of the lucky ones. He's got a good job. He's in a stable relationship. He lives in one of the greatest cities in the world. Does he deserve it? Probably not. He's not too bright. He's not very attractive. He's not at all ambitious. He's chubby and he's always complaining. And when his girlfriend Jod…
- From the Dutch Muntel Video release. English language/Dutch subtitled.Four African village women, sole survivors of a mercenary massacre, swear vengeance. They join an unsavoury party of bounty hunters on the trail of a millionaire's kidnapped son. The women seduce the bounty hunters but fail to obtain their weapons. T…