搜索 Heming

  • George and The Man In The Yellow Hat are having a merry time counting down to Christmas. But neither can decide what to give each other. Will they find the answers before Christmas morning?
  • 地质学家在里维戴尔市发现了大量的地热资源,从此里维戴尔市将成为靠地热取暖的新兴环保城市。意想不到的情况发生了,地热资源的开发竟然唤醒了沉睡上万年的远古它安德特人。这名解冻人进入了阿呆、阿痴所在的现代社会,引出了一连串让人捧腹、匪夷所思的怪事。解冻人阿曼甚至还替现代人踢赢了一场橄榄球比赛。但是自私自利的雷吉却想利用解冻人…
  • This is a movie that's obviously aimed toward younger kids, who are no older than about 10. It reaches its target well, by having a likable and enjoyable simple story, suitable characters and some nice songs.You can easily tell that this movie is meant for young kids also because of its animations. It uses simple shape…
  • Writer Ernest Hemingway befriends boat captain, Gregorio Fuentes, who inspires him to pen the famous tale "The Old Man and the Sea."
  • 塞尔维亚的边境,一辆载着数名女囚的卡车正行驶在丛林之中。正在这时,一对全副武装的士兵将卡车截停,并带走了囚犯亚迪·莫特(亚迪·歌维娅 Aida Gouveia 饰)、芭芭拉·泰勒(艾斯特·斯图特 Esther Studer 饰)和押运官凯琳娜·雷瓦(凯琳娜·甘比尔 Karine Gambier 饰)。这一切的策划者是米尔顿博士(霍华德·沃侬 Howard Ver…
  • 三对夫妇住在一家酒店,所有人都有性问题,有一天一位专业色情明星 (Lina Romay)出现并教大家如何去做。
  • As Jimmy tries to protect Sean, Tommy joins forces with Kevin to collect payments. Meanwhile, Jenny supports her ailing father while trying to keep the family business afloat; and a look back at Kevin's childhood reveals the genesis of his gambling passion.
  • 美国副总统,被称为是世界上第二个最有权利的人,在一次飞行中,遇到了飞机失事.幸存下来的三个人最后竟被附近岛上的叛军抓获.他们计划将总统"出卖"给仇视美国的恐怖分子.保护总统的女特工英勇矫健,但是无奈寡不低众,再加上没见过大世面的记者拖泥带水,如何才能确保总统安全?美国政府又将做出什么反应?是否能在危急中既救回总统,又不会…