- A taxi driver (Naveen Andrews) picks up a fare (Barbara Hershey) in New Jersey. She offers the driver a large sum to drive her to the desert. While the pair drive across the country, the woman tries various strategies to lure the driver into conversation. Despite his reticence, the pair begins a tumultuous and steamy r…
- Emmy Coer, a computer genius, devises a method of communicating with the past by tapping into undying information waves. She manages to reach the world of Ada Lovelace, founder of the idea of a computer language and proponent of the possibilities of the "difference engine." Ada's ideas were stifled and unfulf…
- 在60、年代的一场PARTY中,小BABY汤米被富有的嬉皮双亲误置,结果他的表弟亨利被误抱回去,成为第15任波泥蒂斯公爵,而小汤米则被-贫穷的巴基斯坦家庭抱回去扶养成人。当他知道真相后,汤米决心夺回他应得的,可惜事情并没有想像简单,因为他的生母在不知情的情况下拼命挑逗他,而他心仪的女子凯蒂却一心一意想嫁亨利,到底这位身无分文(事实…