- 斯图加特歌剧院的这版《指环》制作始于1999年,也是首次创下了《指环》演出历史上,四部戏交给四位不同导演完成的首例。《莱茵黄金》的导演Joachim Schlömer和制景Jens Kilian合作,四场戏只采用了一个固定布景,摹仿斯特林堡的室内戏剧,所有的戏剧动作都在疗养院内展开(令人联想起托马斯·曼的《魔山》),将神话色彩抹去,转化为一出日常生…
- On the trashy side of Camaroville, there's a mob turf war going down, but the new gang in town ain't content with merely controlling the local dope and sex trade. They are also mixed up with dangerous black magic, intent on resurrecting hideous demon-gods who have waited centuries for the chance to eat all our souls an…
- A new take on Vampires. Brighter in Darkness opens a door in its season One of Eight episodes to the supernatural Dark World of Vampires! BRIGHTER IN DARKNESS tells the tale of Toby Brighter, a young gay guy who after a disastrous relationship, is set up on a blind date by his sister Charlotte. Lucas Delmore, (Toby's D…