- In the third month of pregnancy, Federica finds out that the baby she's expecting doesn't share her DNA. She goes to the clinic where she underwent an In Vitro Fertilization treatment and they acknowledge they made a mistake by exchanging her embryo with another couple's. The clinic identifies the woman into whom they …
- Paul is done with love - until he meets Lena. Now he has to convince her family on Mallorca of himself being the right one for their daughter. Lena's mother though would prefer Patrick by her side, a hedgefonds manager and Lena's ex boyfriend. Paul is challenged by Patrick to a duel among men and is glad that his three…
- 该剧根据英国同名喜剧改编,由Laurie Metcalf、Alex Borstein和Niecy Nash主演。故事发生在一家无人关注的医院里,主人公在该医院的「老年妇女特别护理部」工作。医院的经济状况本来就很糟糕,这些老年人又不好伺候,主人公面临的压力可想而知。不过,在经历一个又一个「黑色幽默」之后,他们总算是平安度过了每一天。
- 三兄妹和母亲在二战结束时经营着一家颇受欢迎的饭馆。大儿子打理酒馆度过了战争年代,并希望能长久继续下去。妹子跟厨房伙计好上了并迎来新时代潮流。二儿子回首都后发现家庭企业有问题。同时母亲同厨师长依然专注于餐厅运营。餐厅里有他们的管家和领班。by:mingtian6.com