- Jaya and Yogi set out on a short journey to retrace past relationships and end up in the most eventful, strange, crazy trip of their lives. This short journey through Rishikesh, Bikaner and Gangtok with the ups and downs, the missed trains and taxi rides, the heartbreak and the mending of old friendships, the quarrels …
- 自负网红做总监,魔法手机要上天。一波三折矛盾起,挚友感情遇危险。 瑞瑞获得了去主题公园出任服装设计师的机会,她邀请朋友们在开张第一天去见证她的劳动成果。但当大家到了以后,阿杰发觉瑞瑞的上司有问题,还和瑞瑞闹了矛盾,而同时朋友们一个个陷入了险境。瑞瑞和阿杰能化解矛盾,将朋友们解救出来,并阻止BOSS的阴谋吗?
- 入选年鉴正开心,谁知伤到人感情。记忆丢失陷困境,奇人相助来查明。 余晖一行开心地当选了本学年的“最亲密团队”,准备次日去沙滩拍照和游玩。而第二天余晖来到沙滩,却发现她被大家孤立了。余晖感觉背后大有蹊跷,她能查明真相,夺回友情吗?