- How would Greek music, literature, industry, cuisine, and geographical map have been, if the Minor Asia catastrophe had never happened? Sixty academics, researchers, folklorists, business people, athletes, artists and descendants of Minor Asia refugees answer these questions and show how the tragedy of 1922 transformed…
- 處境劇的御用監製羅鎮岳已經準備開拍新一套處境劇,暫定叫《愛.回家之開心速遞》,「過往的處境劇都是以家庭為主,今次當然不例外啦。而故事除了家庭,因為網購現在都好hit,就會講到一間百貨公司,入面開設的網購部,是從這裏開展出來的故仔。」
- It is impossible to count the number of gunshots fired in cinema history – so much slaughter, so much wanton indifference to pain and death. La palisiada, however, features only two gunshots, a quarter of a century apart, and it asks us t…
- Between January 2019 and May 2020, Adriana Lestido embarked on a trip, with no company and no assistance whatsoever, through the Arctic Circle and the Svalbard Islands, an icy, inhospitable region shared between Norway and Iceland. During those months, the Argentine photographer captured a still-unknown ecosystem in al…
- Hammer and compass in Mozambique. We see a GDR flag waved at a rally in Maputo, carried by “Madgermanes”, contract workers who once toiled in eastern Germany. Some of them founded families there, like Eulidio. His daughter Sarah grows up w…
- 受众人追捧却独爱宠物狗乐乐“爱狗不爱人”的富家千金乖乖,想利用“全球名犬选美大赛”让乐乐扬名立万,请到担任本次大赛评委的知名训犬大师“狗博士”何马和宠物美容师韦加斯出马,将“屌丝狗”乐乐一番包装打造终于麻雀变凤凰,在大赛中胜出的乐乐一夜暴富身价飞涨,却不料遭到经常掉链子的两位忍者神偷坡姐和萨嘟嘟的觊觎。于是五位古灵精怪…