搜索 Hope

  • Double agent Picasso Trigger is assassinated in Paris by double-crossing bad guy Miguel Ortiz. Then Ortiz begins eliminating agents of The Agency who were involved in his brother's death. The Agency (belatedly) springs into action to stop Ortiz' heinous activities. The usual gunplay, romance, and nifty toys with bombs …
  • http://v.qq.com/page/u/j/b/u0176hjjyjb.html“让食物成为你的疗身配方 让你的疗身配方成为你的食物” -希波克拉底。这条信息来自现代医学创始之父,而这部全新的记录电影将为你解读该信息。电影能直截了当,快速地让你认清自己目前的健康状况。尚且不论人们用了数十亿美圆经费去研究能治疗我们遭受的慢性疾病和每日的病痛的所谓的 药物,而且…
  • VESSELS follows Diamond, a young Latina transgender woman living in Los Angeles. Diamond works at a garment factory for meager pay and is unable to afford healthcare let alone the breast implants she desperately desires. When her friend Hope shows off her new breasts she obtained through illegal black market silicone i…
  • 一間位處偏僻的精神病院,因設備過於老舊且怪事不斷,而面臨被迫搬遷的命運。在舊院區的最後一天,醫院為了節省開銷,還公告將順便撤掉整個保全部門。沒想到湯瑪斯在得知飯碗不保後,竟像著了魔似的開始發狂,並揚言要在大夥離開前,殺了每一個人…
  • 纪录片
    The grail is not the gold, nor the books of ancient wisdom, but the 3,000 year old DNA of the mummies, which may lead to a cure for malaria
  • 剧情片生活
  • Woody the Matchbox dreams of becoming a lighter and hopes he can fulfil this ambition with the help of Antus the Cactus, whom he meets in the Mexican desert. Bob Brakinlot is a criminal looking to go straight; when he meets Blossom Shirtz, a shirt whose life has been ripped apart, he gets the chance to move on if only …