- Sequencing Hope follows the intimate and often gut-wrenching journey of an Alabama family grappling with the unimaginable risks and potential rewards of new frontiers in medicine as their toddler becomes the first patient in the US to receive an experimental gene therapy treatment for a rare disease.
- 《Hope On The Street》是防弹少年团郑号锡(j-hope)推出的同名舞蹈练习日记内容。 讲述j-hope在入伍前访问日本大阪、法国巴黎、美国纽约、韩国首尔和光州,并与当地的舞蹈家通过舞蹈交流的故事。
- 十七岁的街舞天才少年阿翔(储晓祥(Casper) 饰)在排练时巧遇京剧女孩羽辰(翁滋蔓 饰),羽辰被街舞的魅力与活力吸引并加入了舞团。他们也在练舞过程中渐生好感。此时在羽辰的身边还有着一位充满神秘魅力的竞争对手陈军(邱昊奇 饰),两个男孩在舞台上、人生中的Battle就此展开……