- Laura Wagner has a promising career as a young auctioneer, but her life looks set to fall apart when she's the victim of a rape. The rapist is a well-known and respected gallery owner, and the assault takes place after a cocktail party. Laura knows it's unlikely she'll be believed if she files a complaint. But that sam…
- 一部难得的片子,通过毕加索的家人,前妻,画商,朋友的解读,我们才知,尽管毕加索的晚年作品濒临色情的边缘,但也让我们见识了什么是不顾一切狂野地表达自己突破绘画技巧!而为了悟透男人与女人,性欲与爱的关系,纪录片里会解密他是如何做的。毕加索一生都受性的诱惑,他在作品与生活中都全身心地享受性的乐趣。毕加索每次换个女人,也是每次…