搜索 Hui

  • 剧情小虎斑斑为了拯救被污染的森林,历经艰辛取来了仙露。垃圾怪人骗走了仙露,栽脏斑斑,并陷害了斑斑的妈妈。斑斑受到了小伙伴的误解和失去妈妈的双重打击,但是,顽强的斑斑在困难面前不低头,不后退,终于制服了垃圾怪人,以真诚又蠃得了小伙伴的信赖,使即将毁灭的大森林又恢复了青春。幕后花絮数字三维动画影片《小虎斑斑》由北京轶形梦幻…
  • 导演林权泽为游击队员之子,他首次把自己的经历和现代史融合到一起。人称「歪鼻子」残留共党的游击队员白贡山(Choi Yun Seoko饰)被捕,刑警宋基烈(金熙羅饰)在押送他的路上不慎令其逃跑。从此,宋基烈辞去工作,倾家荡产,展开了三十年的追踪。三十年后,两人都已是身患疾 病的老人,再次狭路相逢,宋基烈准备带白贡山返回乡,为自己当年的…
  • The film, based on the 19th century novel by Multatui (a pseudonym for Eduard Douwes Dekker, original an offical in Java during the time of the Dutch East Indies) continues to be a source of controversy in the Netherlands today as its attack on Dutch colonialist attitudes and practices reveals the general indifference …
  • 这部电影展现了法国在性方面的开放和浪漫,最后的结局是爱她的男人死了,她继承了他所有的产业 然而也没有选择和她爱的男人在一起.
  • When three stoners launch a camera drone off their balcony in the hopes of spying on their sexy neighbor they overshoot the target and see what appears to be a zombie attack in the apartment two floors below theirs.
  • Tomás Barrera (Pablo Macaya) vive junto a su mujer, Helena (Tamara Garea) en Barcelona, desde hace 3 años. Trabaja en una editorial de auto-ayuda y se apresta a lanzar el libro de su cliente y amigo Enric, titulado 199 Recetas para Ser Fel…
  • 科幻片奇幻
    九一八”事变后,许多东北百姓送子参军。杨靖宇将军带领抗日联军在摩天台战役中消灭大批日军,夺得大批战利品。遭重创的日寇疯狂报复,将周家堡子上千口男女老幼集体枪杀。 敌人以总数70万日伪军进攻总数仅5千人的抗日联军,制造无人区,使东北抗战进入空前艰难的时期。形势非常险恶,有人看不到前途离开了抗联军;有人被捕受不住严刑拷打而背叛…
  • A drama about fights of the National Security Agency of North Korea against the conspiracy of the imperialists and class enemies to protect the dignity and authority of the Korean government and leaders. Through the portrayal of the main character the film shows that not even a single case should be allowed to remain u…