搜索 Hui

  • 恐怖片
    When Bosnian-born Aisha and cameraman Elias team up to shoot a documentary on the mysterious disappearance of Aisha's brother, they cross paths with another film crew, who are creating an even more sinister narrative.
  • There was once an invisible optician, trapped in a strange and lonely world. Her story starts with a broken lens and the woman who taught her to see things differently.
  • 剧情片爱情
    一场公司内部的颁奖典礼,权力、庆典、金钱、爱情、事业,五种人生切片交错上映,讲述每一个“我”的故事。 影片荣获: 第四届印度世界电影节最佳处女作 特利佩尔电影节最佳处女作 纽约电影金像奖最佳故事片导演 弗洛伦萨电影金像奖最佳影片 伊斯坦布尔电影节最佳独立电 影 入围: 巴塞罗那独立电影节 罗马棱镜电影节 奥斯陆独立电影节(最佳剧…
  • An actress accidentally ends up in a room with a weird group of women claiming to be travelling in a secret high-tech space device to Mars
  • 剧情片
  • 我们的一生可能会交往不同的人,经历初恋、欲望的诱惑、真爱到一个想要与之共同厮守的人。当繁华过尽,回头望去,始终想要追求心中那一抹最初的美好,但我们并不完美,我们也会犯错,只因为我们是凡人。特此献上一部荷兰网剧,让我们一同跟随女主Anne的脚步,经历五场处于人生不同阶段,与不同年龄,性格各异的女孩恋爱故事。by 微博@亿万同人字…
  • When the eyes of a passionate younger brother finally lead to an incident that invaded the bedroom, the ranch of the runaway was inadvertently settled in. In a strange city, Lightning, a member of the criminal organization, refuses the pure love of Ji-yeon and makes life for the regular guest Song Song and Ji-sung for …
  • 当桑娅·丹尼尔斯在她已故母亲家中发现了一名被绑架婴儿的出生证明时,她惊呆了。她的父母与失踪的小女孩有什么联系,她母亲被谋杀的事是否与此有关?索尼娅雇佣了很有魅力的m.ysgou。反恐组探员布兰登·海斯帮助她调查。但有些人会不惜一切阻止他们揭露真相。索尼娅决心揭开这个秘密,却没有意识到她正在寻找的答案是多么致命。根据勒奈特·伊森…
  • Vincent spots Jean-Christophe on the beach, bumps into him not so accidentally, and they hit it off during a fun evening and night. But the next morning Jean-Christophe reveals something that turns Vincent's life upside down. How will they get through the day?