- 2010年9月11日,一年一度的伦敦BBC逍遥音乐节再次盛大闭幕,在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅,数万疯狂乐迷和BBC交响乐团以及指挥贝罗拉维克度过难忘之夜。俄罗斯中提琴新星瑞萨诺夫献上洛可可主题变奏曲的中提琴版,美国女高音弗莱明演唱多首歌剧中的爱情咏叹调。这场马拉松音乐会按照传统在《统治不列颠》、《威仪堂皇第一号》中结束。
- Obituary film of the lifelong Labour politician, Tony Benn, who was an MP for over 50 years. Born the son of a viscount, Benn was elected Labour MP for Bristol South East at the age of 25, and in his political career became a champion of the working class.After his father's death, Benn inherited the title of viscount, …
- Huw Edwards presents a profile of the former Prime Minister, depicting him as a brilliantly innovative social reformer to whom we owe old age pensions, National Insurance and much else. Contributors include Stephen Constantine, Margaret MacMillan, Neil Kinnock, Michael Heseltine and David Steel.
- Huw Edwards presents a documentary examining the relationship between Victorian prime ministers Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone, whose bitter personal rivalry dominated British politics for 40 years.Disraeli was a peacock with an elegant wit and an outsider who made it to the top, while Gladstone was an insider…