搜索 Hyun

  • Mizi, who wanders around Jongno University and feels attracted to Kowa, accidentally gets pregnant with Mia, and tries to solve the problem by solving her problems. She then finds out that she is the safest place I take him to the police station. There, Miss meets her famous mother and visits her mother, but witnesses …
  • Hwang Hyeonwon, a broadcasting reporter, continues to request interviews with Dr. Jang Woo - woo, who returned to the United States after receiving his Ph.D. in engineering from the United States. He resigns to marry Han - As a result of a traffic accident and a hospital accident, Han, who was contacted, went to the ho…
  • 韓國女導演鄭佳映繼《Bitch On the Beach》後再度自導自演,引用和朋友之間的親身經歷,以男女不同的思考模式與心理攻防為主調,加入《春逝》的想像橋段,談談情、說說性,用輕鬆黑色幽默的手法探討男女之間的大不同。劇情圍繞導演所建構的愛情世界,女主角以田野調查之名,向男主角借醉行兇。大量的長對白玩味有驚喜,素人演出也絕非隨意即興,…
  • Jihyeon works as a temp at a university, writing and making films. One day he finds he has confusing feelings towards Geon-u, a younger schoolmate. The two men have lived as a straight so far, but fall in love with each other, bringing controversy among colleagues.
  • 第4届北京电影学院国际学生影视作品展 参展作品。讲述一个年轻女子在夏天投诉暖气公司。
  • The most cutting-edge genre shorts, which were invited by Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival, won BEST KOREAN SHORT FILM award from Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival and also won BEST DIRECTOR award from Jeonju international film festival would get together. You can see intensive violence, breatht…
  • A man and a girl happen to meet due to a murder case. And they have their behind stories.
  • 故事发生在6500万年前。巨大的恐龙当时还是世界的霸主,它们横行于世,风头无量。一如远处冒着滚滚浓烟的火山,霸气而令人畏惧。在丛林深处,一头穿着上班族服装、打着黄色小雨伞的霸王龙突然出现。不过他可没有半点狰狞的气息,反而就如我们今天常见的上班族一样,衣冠楚楚、慌乱忙碌。远处传来了电话铃声,霸王龙大哥闻声匆匆赶了过去,跋山涉…