搜索 Hyun

  • 朴荷英是一名男性泌尿科的医生,每日接触着各种男性患者。因为不喜欢男人的自大与不尊重女性,独立自主的她决定通过人工授精来实现自己渴望有一个孩子的心愿。这时候一名叫做申贤宇的记者因为一篇以“无法勃起的男人跟使用精子库受精的女强人直接的关系” 为主题的报道找到她,并且对她一见倾心,展开了各种方式的追求。荷英一开始对贤宇并无男…
  • 7000万年前恐龙以统治地球的其余部分同样方式统治朝鲜半岛。在那时那块现今叫做全罗南道丽水的土地是当时许多种恐龙的森林栖息地:特暴龙。作为特暴龙家庭里最年轻的一种,特暴龙家族最小的成员“班点”降生了,成为王位的继承者。小班点就是个好奇贪玩的孩子。和它的母亲及兄弟姐妹一块,它在森林里快乐地生活,耐心地等待着学会捕猎的一天。
  • Power Macintosh G3, A.K.A Yosemite. As an independent filmmaker, I have been editing my films- <Smile>, <Love Affair>, <Popee> and <The Mountain in the Fr> with Yosemite about 9 years. However, I had some difficulty in using old Yosemite released in 1999. Cause it's too slow and had a booting pr…
  • In his mother's absence, Hyeong-geun conspires to gain independence along with his music-loving friend. They try to rent the small room attached to his mother's store to make some extra cash. Meantime, a senior from school encourages them to explore the vastness of the ‘World Wide Web.
  • 公元五九八年,当百济威德王死后,其护卫武士亦切腹自杀。四百五十年后,即十一世纪初韩国三国时代,属于百济后裔的十七名武士逃到了日本的一条小村落处暂居。三十年后,百济战士GOUdo在他的师父Chung-hyun的提议下,请他去寻找著名铸剑师父金丸处去学习铸剑之道。GOUdo在途中遇上了当地的军阀Saitto的女儿Osame公主。Osame公主看见GOU…
  • 剧情片音乐
  • Pianomania follows Stefan Knüpfer, a piano tuner from Steinway and his famous clients Lang Lang, Brendel, Buchbinder and Pierre-Laurent Aimard as they search for the perfect pitch. Truly an unusual and entertaining peak behind the curtain …
  • 高中刚毕业、没考上大学的三个朋友:“无党派”、“五花”、“细心”。   “无党派”梦想成为漫画家,而五花肉店的儿子“五花”的唯一人生理想就是吃喝玩乐看录像。 女性化且心软的“细心”想当美容师。   一天,三个人都收到了入伍体检通知。 为免于入伍,“无党派”想尽办法,甚至自残,而“五花”则努力让自己的体重超过合格上限。 但“…
  • Popee is Suhyun's dog. When Popee dies of illness, Suhyun decides to make a movie about a pet dog, looking back on his relationship with Popee.
  • SYNOPSISMin Yo-sup's body is found in the pray house near Taegu and detective Nam Kyoung-ho gets a clue from Yo-sup's friend, evangelist Hwang. He looks for Jo Dong-pal who was mentioned on Yo-sup's note to him as a persistent follower of his. Dong-pal's father and the prostitute Hyang-sun helps him discover their past…