搜索 Iara

  • After making a grim discovery in a seasonal lake, a withdrawn teenager discovers the truth about his neighbours, a father and daughter harbouring sinister secrets.
  • the film by Pupi Avati, is set in the autumn of 1952.In the north-east the investigation into a murder trial of a teenager is underway, considered by the popular fantasy possessed.Furio Momentè ( Gabriele Lo Giudice ), inspector of the Ministry, leaves for Venice reading the minutes of the interrogations.Carlo ( Filipp…
  • 一群好友趁著周末假期來到位於深山的豪宅狂歡,沒想到竟遭到一群食人血肉的變種巨虻攻擊,原本歡樂的假期瞬間成為最恐怖的夢魘!
  • 在丈夫不幸去世后,芭芭拉带着新男友和年幼的儿子回到了她的老房子,这对孩子造成了严重的创伤。芭芭拉希望搬家和一个新的环境能帮助她的儿子克服这一创伤——但过去那些恶毒的鬼魂似乎下定决心要阻止这一点,当这些恶灵在房子里肆虐时,孩子突然开始与死去的父亲产生一种奇怪而可怕的联系。
  • Dinda who escapes the Kuntilanak (female vampire ghost) terror, without the agreement of Aunt Donna, intends to meet someone who is believed to be her biological mother, Karmila. Together with his younger siblings and accompanied by Julia and Edwin, they are trapped in a house in the middle of the forest. Many irregula…
  • Part 1 Origin of Brexit Part 2 The effects on the EU of Obama Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi destabilized Africa refugees fleeing to EU December 2011 Obama's Syrian Rebels of Al Quada's Ansar Al Islam Defeated fleeing to Germany.   —dncorp01   Part 1 Origin of the idea of the British Exit from the European U…
  • 每一部经典的两性文本都值得一次性转版的书写,更何况是《驯悍记》这样“三观可疑”的代表!在皇家莎士比亚剧团2019年全新制作的这一版中,1590年的英格兰变成了由女性掌控的世界,米诺拉正准备将她的儿子凯瑟琳卖给出价最高的人,彼特鲁乔带着婚约出现了。一场关乎性别与权力的斗争即将展开,这次还会是对女性的冒犯吗?此版导演贾斯汀·奥迪伯…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 影片记录了五个不同年纪的女性艺术家在城市里打拼的故事。
  • 2019年洛迦诺国际电影节主竞赛单元的片子,阿尔及利亚导演拉巴赫·阿莫尔·兹梅什的新片,法国《电影手册》五星力荐!在一个陷入武装冲突的国家,一名医生试图尽他的职责,克服一切困难,直到他的命运被颠倒的一天。