- Maybe the most representative Mexican film at sixties Los Caifanes show us the Odyssey of a group of four humble Mechanical Workers and an aristocratic couple who became in their accomplice in spite of their differences, removed from a prototype of hippies the Caifanes represent a kind of urban gang who used to visit t…
- 1724年的朝鲜时代笼罩在无休无止的党派斗争中,全国局势一片混乱。坐落于汉阳中心的明月香妓房里有个色艺俱佳的花魁雪智,被誉为“平壤第一艺妓”。整天打架闹事的小混混千董,对雪智一见倾心。可是明月香妓院的后台主人万德也想把雪智据为己有,却发现雪智和千董已经相爱,万德心中暗起杀机。 千董从小就梦想成为“朝鲜第一铁拳”。一天,…
- 1986, Afghanistan. The Mujahideen announce the launch of a new air-defense system called Stinger, which could potentially end Soviet supremacy in the air. Commander of Intelligence, Major Okovalkov is assigned the mission of getting hold of this new weapon and to do this, he has to intercept a small caravan transportin…
- “男の紋章“シリーズで好評を博した高橋英樹の新シリーズ化を狙った第1作だが、興行的にふるわずこれ1作で終わった。政党の大物の書生・政吉は、主人を殺され自分の非力さを悟り、ヤクザ修行の旅に出て苦しい修行の末、一人前のヤクザとなって帰ってくる。