搜索 Idea

  • À 37 ans, le chirurgien Djalil Boudaoud mène une vie de célibataire endurci. Il a finalement le coup de foudre pour Justine, une charmante journaliste télé sous-employée. Mais bientôt le poids de leurs différences culturelles, l'oppositi…
  • 閑静な住宅街にある一軒の古屋敷。廃屋寸前のこの家に住む男、その名は佐志、しがない脚本家である。「私はもっと有意義な人生を送りたい」。そう言い残して妻が英国に留学して以来、仕事はとんと途絶え、家は荒れ放題。ゴミが不法投棄され、部屋には奇怪な肉食虫まで繁殖中。たが最大・最難の問題は、家主である義父から即刻退去するよう命じら…
  • 恐怖片
    Most enjoyable outing from Mr Lenzi and whilst giallo-esquire is really quite a mixed bag. Starting off as a bit of a hippy drippy affair with a young uninhibited couple using their bodies and their guile to get a free holiday, this turns into something much darker. There is real suspense including a splendid Hitchcock…
  • One of the better Spanish GiallosJACK THE MANGLER ( 1971 ) starring Paul Naschy aka SEVEN CORPSES ( MURDERS ) FOR Scotland YARD This is a very hard to see film, but is worth the hunt for fans of Naschy and also giallo knock offs. It's a decent thriller with a mysterious Jack the Ripper wanna be who kills each victim wi…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 安东内斯库系统的摩多万警长在调查罗马尼亚铁卫军对共产党员进行屠杀的事件中,心越来越靠向了党的故事。
  • 纪录片
    【NHK行家本色系列《庵野秀明特辑》 将播出100分钟加长版!】此前,NHK行家本色栏目播出了长达75分钟的「#庵野秀明# 特别节目」,由于观众反响很好,目前官方宣布将播出增加了新内容的100分钟加长版《再见了所有的EVANGELION~ 庵野秀明的1214日》,加长版将于4月29日播出。
  • Opt ilustrate din lumea ideală
    Radu Jude teamed with researcher in critical theory and philosophy of history/media Christian Ferencz-Flatz for Eight Postcards from Utopia. A found-footage documentary assembled exclusively out of post-socialist Romanian advertisements, this brings together these documents of Romania’s long transition period, they are…
  • 国产剧商战