- 英国BBC台喜剧《Ideal》讲述了一名住在曼彻斯特的贫民区的不幸的毒品经营商Moz的遭遇。故事大多数都发生在他和女友住的公寓里面,很少有外出,他经常的访客包括各种各样的奇怪的顾客,他的供应商(一个腐败的警察),以及一个不说话的带着卡通面具的家伙。Ideal stars Johnny Vegas as Moz, a small-time, hash only, dr…
- Curly Oxide was the stage name of the young Hasidic Jew who wandered into a Brooklyn bar where Vic Thrill and The Rev. Vince Anderson played their barbaric folk and gospel music. Thrill struck up a conversation and a mutual interest in music led Thrill to invite his new friend to visit his nearby gas station home/recor…