搜索 Ignatius

  • Stan is a typical 18-year-old, except that his dad is the Devil. The freshly-turned young adult is tasked by his father to go to earth and create chaos and bring about the downfall of humanity. However, as an 18-year-old, Stan has other plans. Like most children just out of the nest, Stan likes to socialize, to drink a…
  • 天真無邪的20歲處男尼可決心在跨年派對上獻出自己的童貞,他在派對中鎖定了一位風姿綽約的成熟女人,並且順利來到她家,本打算來場欲仙欲死的性愛初體驗,沒想到事態發展卻遠遠超出他的預料之外…
  • On an amorous tryst with a young girl, an inexperienced young man has his bliss interrupted when the girl's lover startles them. In the ensuing fracas, the lover is fatally shot. The young man admits that he fired the fatal bullet, and the young girl becomes a credible eyewitness for the prosecution. Against these over…
  • 导演仅仅用18分钟讲述了一个小男孩的神奇礼物背后的复杂故事,而这个精妙神奇的故事让所有人都被吸引住了。
  • 爱情片家庭
    本片依据导演兼编剧谢米姆·萨尔弗所撰写的自传小说改编而成。  女配角之一的莉莎·瑞是印裔名模兼影戏女星,前作《水》更曾获奥斯卡提名。  在传统的中东的上流社会中,Reema和Omar正为他们的女儿Tala(丽莎·蕾 Lisa Ray 饰)准备婚礼。在伦敦工作的Tala通过朋友Ali认识了Leyla(茜多·塞丝 Sheetal Sheth 饰)。Leyla正努…
  • Pobrediablo
    Stan is a typical 18-year-old, except that his dad is the Devil. The freshly-turned young adult is tasked by his father to go to earth and create chaos and bring about the downfall of humanity. However, as an 18-year-old, Stan has other plans. Like most children just out of the nest, Stan likes to socialize, to drink a…
  • An anthology film that portrays love beyond the status quo. Five stories about self-love, same-sex relationships, new-found love and polyamory, starring a fully, sexually diverse ensemble.
  • 剧情片
    故事聚焦2018年在伊斯坦布尔被残忍谋杀的《华盛顿邮报》记者Jamal Khashoggi。多项证据表明他极有可能是被沙特高层下达了刺杀令。