搜索 Ikkô

  • When their bootlegging father ends up in jail, four twenty-something brothers need money to pay his debts to local crooks. Next, their 9-year-old half-sister is dumped on their doorstep by her prostitute mother. A karaoke set helps reveal that the little girl is quite a singer, just as a talent contest for children is …
  • 这是一个发生在剧场内的爱情故事。《罗密欧与茱丽叶》是本季一个重头戏。在即将演出前女主角诺娃摔伤了腿,怯场的劳拉被迫顶替,和饰演罗密欧的劳里共同出演。他们从开始的互不信任到相知相爱,薇尔玛的爱情和艺术生命也由此绽放。
  • 动作片
    First of all, I have to say that I had huge expectations about the movie. I went to theater to see some mind-blowing action. I was hoping that Åke Lindman had made something spectacular as his last movie. I also believed in his directing t…
  • 剧情片恐怖
    根据著名作家阿摩司奥兹小说“地下室的黑豹”改编而成的电影,故事发生在1947年的巴勒斯坦,就在几个月之内,以色列自立为一个国家。 Proffy Liebowitz这名11岁的小鬼对于英国占领了它的国土感到非常不满, 并常常和他的两个朋友策划一切恐怖行动来恐吓或炸毁英国军队,直到有一天晚上,他从禁闭放出来后, 又被英国军官Sergeant Dun…
  • 超级台风摧毁了由四兄弟的家乡,他们放弃了家庭乐队的音乐追求,被迫搬到邦板牙省的乡下与祖父住在一起。在这个避世的角落,兄弟们一起创作了歌曲“荞麦男孩”,音乐天赋尽显。
  • A trip on a chartered plane with a number of other thrill-seekers (most of whom are anthropomorphic fruits and vegetables) and hop from island to island, each of which offer their own unique visual delights.
  • 『息もできない長いKISS』で注目を集めたキム・テグワン監督が、社会問題となった女性拉致監禁事件を独自の視点で描く。589日間もの間監禁された少女と犯人の心理に迫る社会派ドラマ。まじめな郵便配達人の佐川は、以前から好意を寄せていた短大生のまどかと結ばれることを夢見ていた。時期を狙っていた彼は、ついにまどかを自宅アパートへ。拉…
  • 八响致命枪声
    A poor farmer tries to get by, but fails. Blood is shed, not out of malice, but simple desperation. A raw exposé on human degradation and deprivation. A work of Zola-esque violence and grandeur, shown here in its ultra-rare, 5h original ve…