搜索 Ilan

  • This extraordinary slice of macabre has its origins in Indonesia not only in that it was shot in Bali but also because the inspiration for the film is based entirely on indigenous folklore. This is a departure in itself as most horror films outside Hollywood (with a notable exception of the Japanese) are simply rehashe…
  • 一位男子的妻子和女儿被意外谋杀,在他沉浸于悲伤之时,却发现自己卷入了一场战争中。这场战争在一群充满魅力的警员和席卷全城的犯罪案件之间展开。
  • Malte is an 11-year-old loner whose mind is full of complex strategies and game theory. As he suddenly ends up in the middle of a conflict between two courtyards, he finds practical use to his theories. Too late it dawns on him that his interference makes play for real, and an actual war is now breaking out. Will he be…
  • 剧情片犯罪
    艾莉莎·米兰诺扮演Patty Montanari,是一位住在布鲁克林区的非常坚强的寡妇和母亲。她为当地的一个犯罪家族工作,很快他就和已婚的犯罪集团的首领(杰森葛德利扮演,曾出演《绝望主妇》)纠缠在一起了.但是随着Patty在组织的地位越来越高后,她发现自己已经泥足身陷于充满偏执,背叛和谋杀的境地了。挣扎于联邦调查局,家庭,和她爱的男人之间…
  • 电影获08年意大利奥斯卡"大卫奖(David)"包括提名最佳电影、剧本、新导演、剪接在内五项提名。讲了一个能做很好吃的羊奶奶酪的法国人为了做出满意的奶酪而举家搬到一个环境优美但地理位置偏僻的意大利山区小村庄。小镇的人起初很不欢迎他,觉得他是“外来者”,文化、语言都不同。但是他做出的美味奶酪征服了小村居民的味蕾,大家从不…
  • 二战后南斯拉夫拍摄的第一部电影。Slavica, Marin and the group of cooperatives are hiding the newly built fishing-ship from the Italian occupier. They get arrested, but the Partisans rescue them and they participate in series of actions. Slavica dies…
  • 喜剧片动作
    Four grandmothers accidentally kill a con man. When his partner shows up, things go south quickly.
  • A joint work of three debuting directors. It is a film about former rock musicians, members of a banned rock band. The friends were forced to replace their ideals by settled family lives and ordinary jobs. When their former lead singer has to go to hospital for therapy, they get an unexpected opportunity to play togeth…
  • A story of a family that after WWII moved to the south of Slovakia and acquired a prosperous butcher business left behind by a Hungarian emigrant. From the previous owner, the family also inherited a self-assured, greedy assistant who does not like to observe any firm moral principles. He assists the family in gaining …
  • 荒诞喜剧,由著名的大胡子Bata担任主演。一个海龟租下了男猪脚的房子,他的“诡异”行动让男猪脚觉得他是一个企图颠覆国家政权的间谍.....