- A seasoned farm to table and back to the farm Chef teams up with a prolific Landscape Artist, to create 7 gardens in which they will grow, harvest cook, and serve a 7-course meal for 20 nights, for up to 800 people total. Deciding to do it during the driest year in 65-years, the Chef sticks to his plan to irrigate only…
- The great white hunter is showing of his collection methods of rare Venusian wildlife - all guns blazing. based on the world of Dr Grordbort by Greg Broadmore. 一趟金星的狩獵探險,布洛德佛斯勛爵獵殺美麗的珍奇異獸,讓祖國收藏更加豐碩,同行的記者小姐卻與他針鋒相對。復古B 級片搬到外星球,對帝國主義和權貴人士極盡揶揄。