- Since the Sweeney Todd of suburbia, deranged salon owner Jill Tyrell, burst onto Britain's screens in 2004, the world of comedy hasn't been quite the same. After the gruesome clima of Series One, having successfully framed Glen for all the murders, for which he is being detained at Her Majesty's pleasure in…
- 这是关于The Clash乐队灵魂人物Joe Strummer的记录片。The Clash乐队是一支在英国朋克乐坛历史上占有重要地位的乐队,几十年前,当朋克音乐如火如荼的发展的时候,当性手枪乐队横扫朋克摇滚乐坛的时候,一支朋克音乐的新生力量正在迅速崛起,这就是The Clash碰撞乐队。朋克音乐发展为今天的这种繁荣景象,The Clash起到了巨大的推动作…
- PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Teas town, where every summer the graduating seniors compete in a series of challenges, winner takes all, which they believe is their one and only chance to escape th…
- 演员白墨爱好文学创作,富有才华在一次诗歌沙龙上认识了美丽可爱的大学生梦蝶,因惺惺相惜而陷入了爱恋。梦蝶的母亲是位强势的企业家,早年因遭丈夫抛弃而对男人心存戒心。她强烈阻止二人交往。梦蝶被强制送到国外留学后,杳无音信,留下白墨在国内望断天涯。与白墨演对手戏的瑶瑶性感妩媚,渐渐对白墨心生爱慕,继而对他展开热情的追求,但白墨…