搜索 Jafar

  • 喜剧片记录
  • 两伊战争中,空中战场中的交战异常惨烈。1981年4月4日,伊朗空军根据与以色列秘密交换的情报,派出8架F-4“鬼怪”式战斗机空袭了伊拉克在约旦边境的H3空军基地。本片根据这一战斗改编。
  • A haughty acclaimed newly married fashion designer named Iraj is shown the door by his boss after the boss's son arrives at Iran to take over his father's company. Iraj reluctant to promulgate the loss of his job, starts using his savings, trying to conceal the truth from his naive wife. Having squandered all the money…
  • Part essayistic meditation, part family portrait, The Roof is an eloquent and understated exploration of physical and psychic place in the context of filmmaker Kamal Aljafari’s family history. Returning to his parents’ and grandmother’s homes in Ramleh and Jaffa, now part of Israel, Aljafari uses elegant cinematography…
  • 2002年,在阿巴斯.基阿魯斯米達作品《十段生命的律動》(Ten)之中演而優則導的Mania Akban,繼上回《20 FINGERS》(第三屆)透視女性在伊斯蘭社會的面面觀,今次再以車內的時間對話,探討女性問題。4年之後,Akbari經阿巴斯的鼓勵下,執起導筒拍攝此片之際,卻傳來得了乳癌的噩耗。沒有呼天搶地的對話,也不見悲天憫人的劇情,Akbari把罹癌…
  • Life and love in a city of chaos.