- 《比克拉姆:瑜伽、大师、性侵犯》审视了颇具争议的高温瑜伽创始人比克拉姆·乔杜里跌宕起伏的一生。20 世纪 70 年代初,乔杜里从印度加尔各答来到比弗利山庄,他很快就拥有了一批名人追随者,并打造了全球健身帝国,这为他带来了巨额财富。但直到 21 世纪 10 年代,随着大量性侵指控的出现,以及有关他充满攻击性、类似邪教的训练环境的故事浮…
- A mesmerizing anthology of stories set in Five Cities during the Covid Lockdown. Four voices of female escorts and one pimp express themselves through their experiences and responses to human interaction during the Pandemic. In New York, Tracy meets her psychiatrist who she has been seeing for five years. A young woman…
- The narrative, set in 1547, centres on Petr Pětipeský, a young, orphaned knight who becomes the custodian of the picturesque village of Urbach, nestled beneath the towering Fichtelberg mountain. His duty to construct a bridge to the adjace…
- Hot off winning Berlin's jury prize for her face-transplant comedy Mug last year, Poland's Szumowska has promised a return to her student roots with All-Inclusive. Little is known about the plot of the film, except that, according to the director, it will “only be about women” and is “very cool.” Plus, it's the world's…
- When asked what drives a man to search for the truth, Lieutenant Papauran says dejectedly that maybe he just wants to keep inflicting pain on himself. Faced with President Duterte’s bloody murders and brazen lies, he continues his struggle to solve a fifteen-year-old case around an ash-laden landscape and an impenetrab…
- Follows Ron Delsener one of the most influential concert promoter in New York. Now that he is 86-year-old but still has a spring in his step.