- 故事发生在共和国的巅峰时期,剧情将聚焦于一群年轻人学习原力并成为绝地武士的旅程。观众们也将和他们一同,在冒险中探寻包括同情心、自律、团队合作、耐心与友谊在内的绝地之道。
- 捷克百佳之一。安东·斯皮尔莱克虽是一个乐器制造商,但更是一位神枪手,在一年一度的枪手授勋会上,他满怀期待,可惜因为少了一枚勋章,只能等来年了,失望之余,情急之下,在酒馆黑就时不慎出言侮辱了国王,因此被送往监狱,但他心生一计,让其雇员Josef Kukacka代他服刑,他自己则在家秘密工作,而Josef Kukacka也如样炮制,让一个流浪汉李代…
- A young lady, who recently lost her mother, faces the challenges of high school and her very strict step-father. Through personal growth, and an amazing dedication to dance, she learns to find the peace and happiness of family.
- Social Distance is a suspenseful-mystery-science fiction-horror story examining the slow slide into insanity individuals experience when isolated for extended periods. It is mixed with suspense and gore as a group of distance workers discover that the social distance mandate may be a much greater conspiracy than anyone…
- Sex, alcohol, food, drugs, cigarettes… you name it, workaholic Rosie (Sheridan Smith) has tried it all in a bid to self-medicate her way out of a burnout spiral. But when she wakes up in hospital after her brother’s wedding, our eponymous …