- Is the fjord witch just a legend or could it be that Satan's bride lives within the woods of Grytefjord? Does Tordenskjold find himself or perhaps somebody completely else? Who would win a fight between Jesus and Harry potter? These and several other questions gets answered in Kurt Josef Wagle's lost videotapes...
- Moscow International Film Festival1983 Nominated Golden PrizeThis story is set in Sarajevo in 1941 when the Germans occupied the city, and when Muslims, Christians, and Jews supported each other (for the most part) against the foreign military presence. A Muslim patriarch is hiding a Jewish woman in his house to protec…
- 六十年代,南斯拉夫某区的领导决定用乐队丰富年轻人的生活,与此同时,青年迪诺(Slavko Stimac 饰)的一班同龄朋友们整日在陈旧的社区中游荡,迪诺相信使用催眠术可以对共产主义事业起到促进作用,平日里勤加学习。因为迪诺掌握着家里鸽房的钥匙,当地的年轻人头头将一位女孩 多莉贝塞给迪诺看顾,父亲暗中发现了女孩,但并未声张反而给迪诺更…
- American CIA Field Operative, Johnnie Allen, is assigned to Denmark for his first mission. An American spy highly placed in the Kremlin is to be spirited out of Russia, and it is Johnnie's job to get him safely to Antwerp where the agent will board a freighter. Johnnie, who is a young gay man, meets and falls in love w…
- This is a very humorous movie about communism and Marxism, or rather, communists and Marxists. It follows a life of a homeless, but very well read, Marxist who is coping with Che's death and wishes to live a life of revolutions and workers' uprisings. He is a hypochondriac, bitter at the world, and blaming his old capi…
- 在续集中,一位“龙王”将入侵,想要大开杀戒,为了阻止危机,少女Dina和她疏远的父亲一起踏上旅程,去拯救她的朋友Nico和被囚禁了的兄弟Davin。在旅程中,Dina发现她自拥有了母亲的超能力后,又慢慢拥有了父亲的超能力——让人看到幻觉。