搜索 Jimenez

  • Alien bounty hunters from another planet are sent to stop Tanash, a possessed demonic serial killer who comes to earth to take over the bodies of humans before killing them. Staleth, played by Geovanni Molina and Colinus, played by Jay D Lee, are sent to stop him as Earth's only hope.
  • 改編自David Rabe 的舞台劇 Hurlyburly。几个好莱坞圈中人聚在一起吸大麻和谈天说地,酒意醉人的时候说醉语,毒品开始发挥作用的时候说的更是语意不清。骤耳听来,他们的言谈似是而非,转弯抹角,但细心玩味之下,却可听出他们对于现代社会风气、政治、环境、爱情、友谊等等的迷惘和失落。
  • 警察突然進門臨檢,中斷了巴爾門多薩一家歡慶孩子的生日派對。馬德里郊區的一座小鎮,地方政府和居民的關係日益緊張,胼手胝足打造的家園,卻因為土地開發被轉賣給大資本家。無所事事的午後,少年們相聚
  • Emilia is a 30-something bisexual woman who refuses to grow up as her female friends already did. Angélica, one of Emilia's friends, is getting married. Her other friends, Clara and Renata, seem to have all their lives figured out: amazing…
  • 美国法律允许犯罪但未定罪的人交一定金额保释金就可自由活动,但却造成大批罪犯逃亡。逃亡收捕队应运而生,以收取法院佣金追捕逃亡人。奎克与肯诺是好友,也同时加入收捕队。身处于暴力横行的黑人街区,他们认为可以为所欲为的追捕逃亡人,只要你够强悍!不料,在追捕重刑犯艾芬克斯时,奎克意外发现收捕队长古瑟与艾芬克斯有着不可告人的秘密。…
  • 计划是容易的,但做起来就不一样了。在一个雪夜,四名罪犯打算实施一起普通的盗窃,但事情变得非常糟糕,友谊、忠诚和信任都将受到极限考验。
  • 在波哥大,单身母亲兼律师西尔维亚卷入了一起腐败丑闻。更深的焦虑也压在她身上。她的母亲莱蒂西亚病得很重并面临死亡,西尔维娅开始了多年来第一次的爱情故事……
  • Diary of a Chambermaid (French: Le journal d'une femme de chambre, Italian: Il diario di una cameriera) is a 1964 film.[1] It is one of several French films made by Spanish-born filmmaker Luis Buñuel but lacks the surrealist imagery and plot twists of his other films. It stars Jeanne Moreau as a chambermaid who uses he…