搜索 JoAnna

  • 四个到山里寻找亲人的红粉佳丽,却阴差阳错地闯入了匪徒的老巢。四人正想寻找出路,不知不觉间天近黄昏,除了一个过气的牛仔和他的狼犬能够帮到忙之外,她们就只能依靠自己的力量来对付那一伙全副武装的歹徒。然而此时夜幕降临山谷四周阴森而凄然,他们即将迎来的黎明是那样的痛苦与漫长,而有的人或许已经没有机会看见地平线上升起的太阳……
  • 恐怖片恐怖
  • 讲述波兰普通家庭的故事,贝娅塔不仅要面临房子的问题,还要面对丈夫的不忠,一个完整的家庭正经历着一场危机
  • Joanna Lumley, Katie Ryder-Richardson, Susan Hampshire, Donald Sinden, Robert Hardy and Patrick Macnee star in this wonderful drama set in the new found peace of the late 1940`s and early 1950`s. First introduced in Coming House, the best selling book by Rosamunde Pilcher, Nancherrow is the ancestral home of the charis…
  • 很棒的剧集。sonychen 推荐
  • There's nothing special about Pamela Plagely: her husband doesn't understand her, her son is doing time for dealing skunk and her doctor wants to fill her up with chemicals. But she's not having any of it. With a little cross-cultural communication Pamela discovers the remarkable medicinal properties of yam and begins …
  • A young couple moves to a quiet New England village, only to soon find themselves mixed up in mysterious rituals.
  • 不起眼的小城华雷斯位于美国墨西哥边境上的,一起当地女工连环屠杀案使这座无名小城惊现于世人眼中。女记者赶到当地调查报道此案,随着关键人物-屠杀的幸存者的出现使案情发生的惊人的转变。宗教、处女膜拜、圣迹更使这件屠杀越发变得扑朔迷离,她与追随者赴汤蹈火的调查揭露了一个惊人的“华雷斯圣女”的血案