- With her worldwide success of her novel, Fear of Flying, New Yorker Erica Jong propelled the sexual liberation of women. She dared to set out for herself and demanded encounters at eye level, politically, privately and sexually. She wanted to change the world and still wants to. With her own story, with her humor and w…
- 一天早晨,小新一家人正为了晚上的烧肉大餐而兴奋莫名,却被一名突然闯入的男子打乱了一切,自此原本过著安逸生活的一家人竟成了通缉要犯,还被神秘组织“甜蜜男孩”追讨一项没有人知道是什么的“那个东西”!为了能如原订计划吃到超豪华烧肉大餐,一家人把时间限定在晚餐前,发誓要在这之前找出真相、洗刷冤屈。面对神秘组织设下的重重陷阱与猛…