  • Szenjirou Arakauma has just been released from prison. Teaming up with his old partner Tonpatchi, he wants to get laid, and start a new life. Problem is, being an ex-yakuza member makes it hard to go straight.
  • 这是一个充满爱与勇气的故事。 一次命运的交会,将17岁的娜蒂亚、小瓦尼及银行家潘文这三人牵引在一起。 1998 年,俄罗斯国内因金融危机而动荡不安,失业人口顿时增加,人民纷纷走上街头游行抗议,大家的生活顿时失去未来的希望,然而刚从纯朴的乡下来到大都市莫斯科念书的娜蒂亚对发生在周遭的一切似乎浑然不觉,直至小瓦尼的双亲发生可怕的意…
  • Dao returns home and finds her fiance in bed with another woman. She shoots them dead on the spot. She is sentenced to 10 years in prison. She gets out eventually and stays with a friend who runs an escort service and learns that women are even caged in the outside world.
  • Iran enjoys one of the most productive film cultures of our time, yet what is less known by contemporary audiences , is the formative past of this vibrant cinema. The creativity, modern lyricism and social commitment of the filmmakers before the 1979 revolution is seldom remembered by the film critics outside the count…
  • 売れないストリッパーの女が踊っていたら、やくざ風の男二人が客席にやって来た。5年前、同棲していた殺し屋の男の隠れ場所を吐かせようと、女をむちゃくちゃに暴漢したやつらだった。やつらがまたやって来たというのは、あの人がこの街に帰ってきたに違いない。女は男と再会したが、それはまた地獄への逃避行の始まりでもあった
  • 恐怖片恐怖
  • A group of MTF Operatives perform a sweep of a house in suburban Middle America after reports of anomalous activity inside. The group are unprepared with lacking and misguided intel and find themselves incapable of dealing with the threat inside the home
  • 动作片惊悚
  • 动作片音乐
    从小被孟买大佬收养的男主拉古Raghu,一直被大佬的侏儒儿子维什努嫉妒。维什努杀人被哑女佐娅Zoya看见,大佬逼迫拉古杀了心爱的佐娅,拉古出狱后报复仇。 一个凄惨的爱情复仇故事,一心想要血态复仇的拉古,考虑到佐娅“音乐替代子弹”的设想,只能坚持大爱。