搜索 Kalniņa

  • 剧情片剧情
    Lotus tells the turbulent story of German-Baltic Countess Alice Von Trotta, an outsider who, by overcoming physical and mental obstacles and prejudices, became an avant-garde filmmaker in Latvian silent cinema. The feature promises to incorporate “elements of various film genres” and to include “quotes from world cinem…
  • An absurdist farce centering around a school in post-Soviet Latvia. After a rather disgusting prank (someone defecates in the school attic), the tyrannical headmistress deems that no one can leave until the culprit is caught. When the photographer's pet python escapes, havok breaks loose.
  • 安东劫机到里加,因为看中地名用‘R’开头,而且比起其他东欧国家,拉脱维亚对劫机者会像个人。小孩子汤美先做人质,再做了安东的朋友。安东的赎金,还包括汤美的朱古力和CD。劫机的子弹,误中附近养蜂人的蜂窝,养蜂人的一头牛走失了。牛儿寻家的路上,引出更多故事:全国单车赛爆出吸毒丑闻,警察发现一个母亲无牌驾驶运白兔。拉脱维亚一幅人…
  • This documentary follows a bustrip Tallinn to Kaliningrad. A route that was so common in the Soviet times now passes through 4 different countries and crosses 3 different borders...
  • 影片讲的是一个冷战时期的荒诞故事,某天几个苏联士兵在严密戒备的海边发现一只女式凉鞋,他们以为有西方间谍趁夜晚偷偷潜入,于是拿着鞋子去附近的村庄里挨家挨户的询问,后来还动员全村的女人们集体试穿这只鞋子,搞出了不少可笑又可叹的事,而最后结局也许更会出人意料。