搜索 Kaplan

  • 喜剧片喜剧
  • After months of searching, I finally caught up with the Isaac Hayes blaxploitation hit Truck Turner. It's just not fair! This great action movie, Hayes' only lead role ever, is amazingly hard to find! I paid $15 to buy it at a Best Buy store, and I really got my money's worth. While I expected something along the lines…
  • The plot, a rape mystery, is an ugly, exploitative downer, but Kaplan puts some infectious high spirits into the incidental action. Everyone is having so much fun that it seems a shame when the film is forced to stop every 10 or 15 minutes so the three lead actresses can take off their shirts. With Bob Harris, Susan Da…
  • A coming of age drama following the life of Matt Hamill, the first deaf wrestler to win a National Collegiate Wrestling Championship.HAMILL is a sports drama depicting the struggles and successes Matt Hamill faces on the way to becoming a champion. Raised among those with the ability to hear, Matt later finds himself n…
  • 美国出生的以色列导演亚萨波隆斯基首部编导轻喜剧电影,入选2016年坎城影展,荣获「影评人週」发行资助奖。导演以幽默诙谐的手法讲述白髮人送黑髮人难以倾诉的无奈与悲哀。荣获坎城影展国际影评人週大奖的《儿子的完美告别》,谈起生离死别举重若轻,笑泪交织感动人心,不仅观众看完起立鼓掌致意长达五分钟,更获得评审团盛讚「悲喜巧妙结合,电…
  • 格莱美奖得主&白金唱片组合,无伴奏人声合唱团Pentatonix 2015年北美巡演On My Way Home全记录
  • 來自巴勒斯坦的美國籍阿拉伯男子法拉罕,與父母一同住在紐約,年屆三十仍未婚,他的父母一直催婚並安排多次與阿拉伯女子的相親,但他都沒興趣,他的朋友勸他搬離父母家,但他沒錢又剛被公司炒魷魚,他的朋友提議綠卡婚姻,可以讓他小賺一筆,沒想到對像是來自以色列的猶太女孩…
  • IS THAT YOU? Is the story of RONNIE, 60 year old Israeli film projectionist, who has been fired from his job and is going now to the U.S. in a search for RACHEL, the love of his youth IS THAT YOU? Is a romantic, road trip journey to 'The Road Not Taken' in life created by Award Winning filmmaker Dani Menkin (HBO Cinema…
  • 剧情片
  • 黑暗阴影