搜索 Kavan

  • 新格林童话
  • A director puts out social network feelers to produce a 'Day in the Life' documentary. It turns out that the filmmaker did something very bad in his first outing as a director, and now he is about to pay.
  • based on true events and characters. An 11 year old disabled girl, routinely pimped out by her prostitute mother, is saved by a suicidal cab driver. Together, they go on a journey of redemption that forever changes their lives.
  • 喜剧片
    An utterly unique homemade sci-fi-action-sexploitation buddy image, Runaway Nightmare is a sublimely amateurish mess that must be endured to be believed. Two pals running a worm ranch in Death Valley very long for some excitement to cut the boredom of their lifestyles. Their desires are fulfilled when they witness mobs…
  • 苏菲一家外出露营,却误入了精灵圣地,精灵国王召唤来巨大将他们赶走.苏菲和家人在匆忙离开的过程中与玩具兔菲利克斯失散.勇敢的菲利克斯历经千难万险,周游了大半个世界,终于回到了苏菲温暖的家中。
  • 'Chimera' is an rare British horror-sci-fi drama from the early 1990's.The ideas are so sinister and horrific that they might have been penned by Nigel Kneale.CHIMERA was adapted from his own novel by Stephen Gallagher, a prolific, widely-respected and internationally published UK author of fantasy and speculative fict…
  • 梦幻飞船惊奇号 (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1(德语中字)本片恶搞星际旅行、星球大战等影片观看本片时,请坚持到最后一秒,片尾字幕后还有精彩内容。======================剧情简介:2004年7月22日,一艘飞碟坠毁在美国内华达沙漠,人类凭借飞碟中的科技信息得以殖民火星。2304年,第一批火星殖民者的后代重返地球,渴望征服地球并…
  • 17岁的少年Gus每天和朋友Bill一起无所事事。他喜欢将交往过的女友和吸过毒品的事半真半假的讲给同事听。杰西卡也是17岁,她是个很与众不同的姑娘。每年Brian都要在7月4日这天举行一个舞会,规模不算大,但有免费的啤酒,所以人们都很爱去。Gus和杰西卡在那里相遇了,在火堆旁的时候,Gus对杰西卡说他并不是像他们想像的那种人,并把一个从未讲给…
  • 本片片名就是指女主角阿嘉特˙克雷希 ,她是商場女強人,負責化妝品的行銷。她的同事都知道她很高傲、沒有同情心,而且她還是種族主義者──她是高盧白人、還負責「美白肌膚」的產品。可是,就那麼一天,醫生跟她說她染上怪病,皮膚會漸漸變黑。然後,某一天她起床後,她已經變成「黑人」了……
  • 海外剧未知
    Ceylin 和Ilgaz是两个对维护正义抱有相同热情,但选择的途径和方法却完全相反的年轻人。Ilgaz是守规矩、诚实且严格的检察官,而Ceylin则完全相反,她是一个没有边界和规则,不按常理出牌的律师。他们的立场和处事差异,使得每次他们在工作上有所交集时,总会发生意见冲突。这天,拾荒人照常在垃圾箱寻找可以变卖的废品,不料发现了一个装着年轻…