搜索 Kavanagh

  • 主人公托尔是阿斯加德一个小村庄里的铁匠,但他的志向远不止此。他梦想成为一名武士。有一天,母亲揭开了他的身世秘密,他的父亲是天上瓦尔拉哈殿的天神奥丁。奥丁从一名路过的小贩手中买了一把会说话的锤子,不小心把锤子扔进了人间。托尔碰巧发现这把锤子,和它成了无话不谈的好友。在锤子的帮助下,托尔实现了自己的武士梦想。正在这时,一名…
  • 時值十九世紀末,位於倫敦黑石南區的艾柏特宅邸與距離一哩之遙的維多利亞別莊,住著有親屬關係的兩戶人家。他們就和當時的一般家族一樣:關係和樂,往來密切。然而,這個大家族在短短幾個月內竟死了三個人。十七歲的保羅無法接受父親驟然辭世,更不相信他的死因是單純的食物中毒,繼外祖母也因同樣原因而暴斃之後,保羅決心追查事件的真相,卻不…
  • 多位先锋恐怖片导演联合制作的恐怖短片合集
  • 玻璃女儿心
    Set in 1870s England, the story tells of Annabella Lagrange and the terrible secret her wealthy parents have kept from her. When she finally learns the truth, she runs away and eventually finds solace in the company of her family's former groom, a young Irishman with the very Spanish name of Manuel Mendoza. Together th…
  • 无罪
    第一话:家庭主妇幸子(寺岛忍 饰)偶然救助了殉情女子峰子(坂井真纪 饰),两人由此开始亲近,幸子渐渐被对方豪放的生活方式所吸引,内心压抑的欲望逐渐被唤醒。第二话:在某西式餐馆担任厨师的砂子(中越典子 饰)和有家室的殿村(田中哲司 饰)秘密交往。殿村虽然承诺离婚,却迟迟没有行动。某天,殿村的妻子光子(富田靖子 饰)独自来到店…
  • 欧美剧
    编剧尼尔·比斯瓦斯(Brad ford RIOTS)适应玛蒂娜的小说,跨越10年的英国社会政治变化。戴卓尔夫人的时代背景及其过渡到新生的劳动力,特别是有关该剧的主题理想化的新的开始;产生和导致幻灭感
  • DarbyandJoan
    Two lone strangers trekking on the road - a retired Australian policeman with a dog as his only company and widowed English nurse - meet each other and embark on an epic odyssey in the outback of northern Australia.
  • 新格林童话
  • A director puts out social network feelers to produce a 'Day in the Life' documentary. It turns out that the filmmaker did something very bad in his first outing as a director, and now he is about to pay.
  • based on true events and characters. An 11 year old disabled girl, routinely pimped out by her prostitute mother, is saved by a suicidal cab driver. Together, they go on a journey of redemption that forever changes their lives.