- 本想船上逍遥游,谁知云宝脑子轴。旅行体验全完蛋,每逢假期吃苦头。 暮光为朋友们筹备了一场休闲享受的海上之旅,结果云宝却闲不下来,一心想要拯救世界,搞得大家烦不胜烦。而随着旅途的继续,气候变得恶劣起来,甚至发生了雷击事件。这次女孩们能度过难关,享受一次安宁的假期吗?
- 自负网红做总监,魔法手机要上天。一波三折矛盾起,挚友感情遇危险。 瑞瑞获得了去主题公园出任服装设计师的机会,她邀请朋友们在开张第一天去见证她的劳动成果。但当大家到了以后,阿杰发觉瑞瑞的上司有问题,还和瑞瑞闹了矛盾,而同时朋友们一个个陷入了险境。瑞瑞和阿杰能化解矛盾,将朋友们解救出来,并阻止BOSS的阴谋吗?
- Terrestrial Verses follows everyday people from all walks of life as they navigate the cultural, religious, and institutional constraints imposed on them by various social authorities, from school teachers to bureaucrats. These stirring vignettes, humorous and affecting, capture the spirit and determination of people a…
- In Skazka, Alexander Sokurov weaves digital magic to create a phantasmagorical vision of the Afterlife, worthy of Dante. But wait: are we in the limbo of Purgatory, or a paradoxical Paradise reserved for notorious men of world history? Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Churchill and more: all are present and accounted for. Si…