- Chester Kent produces musical comedies on the stage. With the beginning of the talkies era he changes to producing short musical prologues for movies. This is stressful to him, because he always needs new units and his rival is stealing his ideas. He can get an contract with a producer if he is able to stage in three d…
- A chance meeting at the site of car accident gives Angela an idea how she can rescue herself and her family from destitution. At home she explains to her husband her plan to seduce and bigamously marry Sir Fabian Ormerod in order to extort money from him. After cleverly engineering a meeting with Sir Fabian at the oper…
- "An ingenious mystery and an excellent example of manners and caste systems of the Victorian era."THE CHATTANOOGA TIMESWhile the Ellison girls were out paying calls and drinking tea like proper Victorian ladies, a maid in their household was strangled to death. The quiet and young Inspector Pitt investigates …
- 兒時朋友拍的,一半是lost highway幕後詳細一半是繪畫生涯回顧。有啓蒙繪畫老師、Jack Fisk、Peggy、Dean Stockwell、Mel Brooks、兒子女兒訪談,橡皮頭cast舊地重遊等,料很多。
- 10位女性,她们大多生活在温哥华或多伦多,讲述了自己在20世纪40年代、50年代和60年代的女同性恋经历:她们发现了当时关于恋爱中的女性的低俗小说、自己的初恋、分手的痛苦、经常出入同性恋酒吧、面对警察的突袭、男性的反应,以及女同恋情中攻和受的角色。在采访和档案录像中穿插着低俗小说《禁忌之爱》的四个戏剧化章节:劳拉离开了她的乡村小…